Port Commissioners

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Seth Bryan

Seth Bryan

District 1

Seth Bryan was elected to his first term as of January 1, 2022 and he is currently Chair of the Board of Commissioners. He has a strong infrastructure background with over 20 years experience in commercial construction. He has a strong desire for economic growth and vibrancy in our county. He feels it is important to serve and become involved in the community that he lives in.

Contact: sethbryan@portofcolumbia.org


Mike Spring

District 2

Mike Spring was elected to his first term as of January 1, 2024. He currently serves as the Secretary of the Board of Commissioners. He comes with a strong business background as a long-term business owner of a downtown Dayton business, and with experience as a fire chief. He has a great desire for economic growth in Columbia County. 

Contact: mikespring@portofcolumbia.org

Johnny Watts

Johnny Watts

District 3

Johnny Watts was elected to his first term as of January 1, 2022. He hopes to have open and honest communications with the public and make fiscally responsible decisions.  He will look for economic development opportunities through job creation, cultivating small businesses and community investments.

Contact: johnnywatts@portofcolumbia.org

Port of Columbia Commissioner districts follow County Commissioner districts. Click here for their webpage with maps that show the districts. If you have specific questions about what district you live in, please call the County Auditor’s office at 509-382-4541.