The vision is to develop areas of the Blue Mountain Station site into an artisan grain business cluster including infrastructure, supply, and potentially marketing and distribution. The cluster could include an artisan mill, or other single value-added food businesses like a bakery or pasta maker. 

In late 2023 the Port of Columbia completed a feasibility study for an artisan grain cluster.

The first step in the grain cluster is a craft malting facility.

  1. In 2024, the Port of Columbia with authorization for the Port Commissioners applied for funding from the Community Economic Revitilzation Board(CERB). This funding will connect to existing infrastructure and construct a craft malt processing building at the Blue Mountain Station Food Park.
    • The Port has been approved for a $5 million grant/loan package for this craft malt facility. The private sector partner, Mainstem Malt, is investing an amount equal to or greater than $5 million for the project.

Grain Cluster Project will:

  • Diversify the local economy

  • Create new avenues of economic growth

  • Open a different market for local growers, offering higher profits

  • Contribute value to locally produced grain and barley

  • Increase collaboration between different sectors

  • Enhance the reputation of the community as a source for quality and local goods

Expected outcomes are:

  • 46 jobs to the community, 22 direct and 24 indirect

  • Over $1.7 million in tax revenue

  • $6.4 million in gross regional product

  • $15.4 million in output

  • $2.8 million in total compensation

For detailed information on the grain cluster feel free to read the artisan grain cluster feasibility study. Find it here!

Are you a farmer growing grain or barley? Are you a business interested in using local grain/barley? If so, we need your help!

The Port of Columbia is working on an initiative to grow a grain cluster at the Blue Mountain Station Food park. As part of the initiative, we are eager to hear from regional growers and businesses on their interest in participating in the regional grain cluster. Your input is valuable in shaping the direction of this initiative. By participating in our survey, you will have the opportunity to voice your opinions, concerns, and preferences regarding the regional grain cluster. 

Your participation in the survey will not only contribute to the success of the grain cluster, but ensure that it aligns with the needs and desires of the community.


For more information on the regional grain cluster please contact the Port office at 509-382-2577.